Lighting the Way to Relief: National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

Each year, as the world comes alive with the vibrant hues of spring, a special day casts its own light on a condition that affects millions but remains shrouded in mystery for many. May marks National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about this debilitating condition that affects so many lives.

Fibromyalgia, often misunderstood and misdiagnosed, brings with it chronic pain, fatigue, and a slew of other symptoms that can make daily living a struggle for those who bear its weight. These brave souls often navigate their days with a resilience that is nothing short of awe-inspiring.

At Pain Relief International, our mission has always been to offer sustainable, drug-free pain relief to those in need, particularly to underserved populations worldwide. This May, as we turn our attention to fibromyalgia, we feel the weight of the responsibility and the hope of what our solutions can bring to those grappling with this condition.

To make our mission possible, we rely on the unwavering support and generosity of people like you. This National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, we invite you to be a beacon of hope for those living with this condition. Your donation can be the ray of light that offers pain relief to someone in their darkest hour.

By choosing to support Pain Relief International, you are not only contributing to research and solutions for fibromyalgia sufferers but also bringing attention to a condition that often remains in the shadows. Together, we can help spread awareness, offer relief, and bring hope to those who need it the most.

We understand that every person's journey with pain is unique, and we aim to provide relief tailored to individual needs. With your help, we can continue to do just that. Please consider making a donation today.

In gratitude for your continued support and in solidarity with those fighting fibromyalgia every day, we thank you. Your generosity lights the way.

Pain Relief International Donate to Help Three People

General Fund

Regular price ¥325.00

Your donation will help equip individuals with a durable, reusable product, ensuring a sustainable source of pain relief that endures for decades, rather than a single-use solution.

These devices are specifically designed for long-term utility, thereby enhancing our capacity to provide effective and sustained humanitarian assistance.

Give with a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)

Use the following information when making a donation through your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF):


Pain Relief International

EIN: 81-2500234

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable savings account that provides the flexibility to recommend grants to Pain Relief International and other qualified charities. This unique giving vehicle allows you to make an immediate impact on chronic and acute pain while creating a lasting legacy of philanthropy.

You can also establish a legacy by naming Pain Relief International as the beneficiary of the entire account or a percentage of the fund. By designating a percentage, you can create a family tradition of giving by naming your loved ones as successors, empowering them to continue recommending grants to charitable organizations. Contact your fund administrator to obtain a beneficiary form.


Provide this information to your stock broker

  • Pain Relief International
  • EIN 81-2500234
  • LPL Financial - DTC 0075
  • Account 1892-5553
  • Number of shares

Please notify us of the transfer, we will provide a receipt upon its arrival.

Give With In-Kind Donations

An in-kind donation is a non-cash gift made to a nonprofit organization. This can include goods, services, real estate, time, and expertise. Both individuals and businesses, including corporations, can make in-kind donations.

Please contact us to arrange your in-kind donation.