Pain Relief International attends Arab Health 2023 - Distributes 3500 devices


Pain Relief International successfully distributed 3,500 drug-free, nano-technology pain relief devices to workers in Dubai over a five-day period.

These innovative devices offered relief to workers facing various challenges, including foot and ankle pain, back pain, hand pain, and even headaches.

One appreciative worker said, “How is this possible? I’ve had chronic shoulder pain for years, and now it’s gone. Thank you for this amazing gift.”

Pain Relief International is dedicated to helping individuals achieve a healthy, pain-free life. One of the primary ways we're fulfilling this mission is by distributing reusable, drug-free devices that can be shared with others. These devices, which don't require a power source or costly accessories, can last for years. They're not only easy to use, but they also have the potential to significantly improve users' lives.

If you would like to be a part of this effort, please contact us!

Remove the Pain, Unleash the Possibilities!